Mobile Column Vehicle Lifts

Select one of the Mobile Column vehicle service lifts below for detailed information and a variety of photographs. Our Mobile Column car and truck lifts give you unrestricted under-vehicle access. You get fully interlocked, redundant safety systems.

MP Series: Mobile Column Lifts

18,000, 24,000 & 30,000 lb Capacity Vehicle Lifts

With a per column capacity rating of 18,000 to 30,000 lbs. Per post, the MP Series lifts range from 32,000 to 240,000 lbs. Easily positioned by one person, the MP series lifts can turn any flat area into a productive work bay.

800 Series: Mobile Column Lifts

14,000 & 18,000 lb. Capacity per Column

With a per column capacity rating of 14,000 and 18,000 lbs. All columns operate together, individually or can be divided into multiple pairs (2, 4, 6 or 8), with capacities of 56,000 or 72,000 lb for sets of 4. Easily positioned by one person, the 800 series lifts can turn any flat area into a productive work bay.


The Mohawk MP Series and 800 Series can handle your needs for a bus lift, large truck lift, utility vehicle hoist, and well as lifts for cars, trucks, and vans. And our Mohawk Mobile Column vehicle lifts can accommodate your heavy-lifting needs up to 240,000 lbs!

Optional Lift Equipment & Additional Auto Lift Resources